Where can the material be used?

In this exercise, you will consider a range of reused wood materials that come from selective demolition. You should suggest how they can be used in a building or construction.

The exercise follows the video on Legislation, fire, and statics.

Teacher's guide: 

8. Wood_EN.docx

Photo: Naeste.dk

Photo: Genbyg.dk

Photo: Genbyg.dk

Photo: Genbyg.dk

Task (3 hours)

Preparation alone: 45 min.

Take a good look at the 4 pictures.

Imagine that you are given the materials from the demolition of an apartment building.

The following materials are available:

  • 12 therrmal windows in wood measuring 920x1240 mm
  • 2 therrmal doors in wood measuring 900x2100 mm.
  • 100 pieces of beams measuring 60x110x4800 mm.
  • 100 pieces of solid oak floorboards measuring 20x140x1500 mm.

Based on your knowledge from the video about legislation, fire, and statics, you should now come up with suggestions and ideas for what type of construction and which constructions the materials can be used for:

  1. Write down your ideas and draw sketch proposals on a piece of paper.
  2. Search and investigate further information on which use the materials are best suited for. The materials may well be combined with other reused wood materials that you find yourself

Together in groups of 2-3 persons (105 min.)

  1. Form groups of 2-3 persons and show each other your ideas and sketch proposals.
  2. Discuss the possibilities, advantages, and disadvantages of your various sketch proposals.
  3. Choose one sketch proposal that you will continue working on in the group.
  4. Continue drawing on the chosen idea and investigate further knowledge about possibilities, legal requirements, and the use of reused wood in a construction. Find out what the possibilities are and where it makes the most sense to use the products.
  5. Make final sketches of your idea for a construction or part of a building

Presentation and conclusion (30 min.)

  1. Present your final idea and sketch proposal to the class and the teacher.
  2. Evaluate the module in class and make suggestions for improvements.


Approximately 3 hours.