Why reuse wood?

Here you will gain more knowledge about why we should reuse wood. We meet Niels Jakubiak Andersen, who works with reused wood in new and exciting ways at the company NÆSTE.

Teacher's guide: 

2. Wood_EN.docx

Task (25 min.)

Individually (15 min.)

Take 10 minutes to answer the following questions. Make sure to write down your answers so you can present them to the class. You may copy the questions into a document.

  1. What challenges can arise from working with reused wood?
  2. In what types of constructions is it advantageous to work with reused wood?
  3. Why is it beneficial to reuse wood?

Collective recap and presentation of your answers (10 min.)

Duration: 30 min.

Film: 5 min.

Task: 25 min.