Why should we reuse wood?

Imagine you visit a master builder who doesn't think it's a good idea to work with reuse in construction. Or that you visit a master builder who is unaware of requirements and recent legislation - or who doesn't care whether you and your colleagues are exposed to hazardous substances in your work.

In this task, you will debate the pros and cons of reusing wood and make use of all the knowledge you have so far acquired about reused wood in construction.

Speaking and debating with your classmates is meant to train you in using technical terms and to consider what arguments exist on both sides of the debate. You should challenge your own views on reuse and sustainable construction along the way.

Teacher's guide:

10. Wood_EN.docx

Debate task on the reuse of wood and sustainable construction (45 min.)

Part 1: Work together in pairs (15 min.)

  • In the first part of the task, you and your partner will come up with arguments for and against working with reuse and increased sustainability in construction. Download the "topics" file (on the right) and write down at least 5 arguments for or against sustainability based on these topics. Make sure to elaborate on your arguments as well as you can and preferably write down counterarguments too.

Part 2: Together in class (15 min.)

  • Present your arguments to the class. The teacher will write the topics on the board and list your arguments for and against sustainability under each category. You can contribute counterarguments along the way.

Part 3: Individually (5 min.)

  • Now, individually select the 3 arguments that you think are the best for arguing for or against working with recycling. You can choose arguments that are both for and against. Write down your choices and write a sentence about why you chose each argument.
  • Consider whether these are arguments you believe you could use? Do you need more information to feel confident in using them? What would it take for you to use these arguments in a debate about the reuse of wood and sustainable construction?

Part 4: Together in class (10 min.)

  • Present to the class which arguments you have chosen and why you chose them.

Duration of the exercise:

Approximately 45 minutes.