Project a brick wall

In the following, you are to project a sample wall in brick. You will later construct the sample wall, and the purpose is therefore to provide you with an overview of how the sample wall should be designed, which materials should be used, and how much material should be used.

Teacher's guide

7. Brick_EN.docx

Proposal for a sample wall

Here you can see a proposal for how a sample wall might look.

Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes

Preparation: 20 minutes

Task: 1 hour and 20 minutes

Task (1 hour and 20 minutes)

You are to create drawing material for a small wall, divided into a minimum of 3 fields and preferably up to 5. Each of the fields represents an exposure class. You have to use the same type of bricks for all fields, but the mortar should vary in each field. There must not be two fields with the same type of mortar.

The purpose of the wall is:

  • To allow you to try laying bricks with different types of mortar.
  • To experience the significant differences in separating and cleaning the bricks when different construction mortars are used.
  • To provide you with a clear insight into how the mortar affects the later possibilities for reuse.

You can determine the size of the fields yourself. However, there is no need to make them very large, as this is not purposeful. Discuss with your teacher about how large or small the task should be.

One of the fields should be exposure class MX3.2.

You can find the types of mortar in the answers to the task Design for seperation.
